Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Sample Assignment Papers

Sample assignment papers can be viewed as protective measures to keep you from making academic writing mistakes. When you go through Sample assignment papers you are able to identify key areas where you are having a challenge with. Sample assignment papers can actually help you to identify your weaknesses and hence prompt you to seek necessary help. Sample assignment papers are the easiest way to learn new ideas in academic writing.
There are thousands of free sample assignment papers at your disposal. With the availability of free sample assignment papers, there is no longer a reason to perform poorly in your assignments. The free sample assignment papers are also easily available online. Getting free sample assignment papers is very fast and convenient once you have internet connection.
Sample papers help us to learn so many things about academic writing. The sample papers give us a glimpse of what it entails to come up with a good assignment paper. More so, we are able to realise the common mistakes that we make when we are writing our assignments.
Common academic writing mistakes
  • Plagiarism

Plagiarism entails that lack of acknowledging your academic sources. When you are making reference to a certain idea that was borrowed from another scholar, you are ethically obligated to indicate the source of this information. Lack of doing so is referred to plagiarism and it has serious academic repercussions. Another common mistake is failing to include the in text citations on the reference list. It is very important for you to master the various referencing rules of the academic writing style that you are using in order to avoid such mistakes.
  • Lack of a good outline
In academic writing, every essay must have an introduction, followed by the main body and then the conclusion. There are normally a lot of changes to the outline depending on a lot of factors. However, the three sections always remain constant. They also have to appear in that order. Some students normally end their assignment without a conclusion. This is a serious mistake that will block you from getting that good grade.
  •  Grammatical mistakes
Some instructors refer to this one as one of the silly mistakes. This is because grammatical errors can easily be avoided by sufficient proof reading. If you go through your work enough times before submitting it in, it is very unlikely that it will have grammatical mistakes. Spelling mistakes and wrong punctuations are also other silly mistakes.

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